Pink Rosa
New variety of Institute of Horticulture in SkierniewicePink Rosa is a new later ripening dessert variety, valuable for the attractive appearance, firmness and abundant fruitage, low susceptibility to leaves diseases and high resistance to frosts.
Origin: Pink Rosa ('Granda' x 'Sophie') is a new variety of strawberry accepted for testing in Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) and Exclusive Rights Protection Book under number T-04052-06 on 18.01.2012 year. The variety will be entered into the National Register of Varieties of Fruit Plants in 2016.
Plant: A strongly growing plant with a loose, spreading habitus and medium-abundant phyllotaxis. Leaves are light green, medium gloss, slightly concave along the midrib, with serrated, obtuse (semicircular) edges. Average number of stolons, slightly hairy, with a moderate anthocyanin colour. Inflorescences are hidden beneath the surface of the leaves. Flowering is plentiful. The flowers are large, bisexual, the cup is much smaller than the corolla.
Fruits: Large and very large, broadly conical and heart-shaped, very shapely, orange-pink, uniformly stained with quite intense shiny, firm (firmer than fruit of 'Elsanta' and 'Honeoye' varieties), with a recessed nutlets, moderately aromatic, quite tasty and slightly sour. The pap is orange-red; air sac is very small; the cup is adjacent to the fruit, with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the fruit; the sepals are quite narrow, somewhat inclined, it is moderately hard to separate them from the fruit.
Other features: the variety is medium early, distinguished by rich fruitage. Fruits are not very susceptible to gray mold. Plants have a low susceptibility to the white blotch and powdery mildew, but are moderately sensitive to red blotch and verticilliose. They are also endured for freezing.
Origin: Pink Rosa ('Granda' x 'Sophie') is a new variety of strawberry accepted for testing in Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) and Exclusive Rights Protection Book under number T-04052-06 on 18.01.2012 year. The variety will be entered into the National Register of Varieties of Fruit Plants in 2016.
Plant: A strongly growing plant with a loose, spreading habitus and medium-abundant phyllotaxis. Leaves are light green, medium gloss, slightly concave along the midrib, with serrated, obtuse (semicircular) edges. Average number of stolons, slightly hairy, with a moderate anthocyanin colour. Inflorescences are hidden beneath the surface of the leaves. Flowering is plentiful. The flowers are large, bisexual, the cup is much smaller than the corolla.
Fruits: Large and very large, broadly conical and heart-shaped, very shapely, orange-pink, uniformly stained with quite intense shiny, firm (firmer than fruit of 'Elsanta' and 'Honeoye' varieties), with a recessed nutlets, moderately aromatic, quite tasty and slightly sour. The pap is orange-red; air sac is very small; the cup is adjacent to the fruit, with a diameter smaller than the diameter of the fruit; the sepals are quite narrow, somewhat inclined, it is moderately hard to separate them from the fruit.
Other features: the variety is medium early, distinguished by rich fruitage. Fruits are not very susceptible to gray mold. Plants have a low susceptibility to the white blotch and powdery mildew, but are moderately sensitive to red blotch and verticilliose. They are also endured for freezing.
*Licensed variety. Varieties cannot be reproduced and sold, and according to new legislation cannot be duplicated for one's own needs.